FTL US1 @ Davie

The objective of this study is to implement the MPO's Transportation Resiliency Framework on the segment of US1 in Fort Lauderdale, stretching from North Rio Vista Boulevard to Davie Boulevard. This comprehensive, nine-step framework, outlined below, aims to conduct a thorough assessment of US1 and its adjacent communities. The primary goal is to gain insights into the corridor's susceptibilities to climate change and to devise a project-specific, community-driven strategy for mitigating these vulnerabilities.


Collaboratively, the MPO is partnering with the City of Fort Lauderdale, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and Broward County to ensure the successful execution of this initiative. Over the course of the project timeline, active community engagement will be a central focus. 


Transportation Resiliency Framework Tech Memo


Project Survey

The Broward MPO is currently spearheading the planning-level study along Federal Highway (US-1) from Davie Boulevard to Rio Vista Boulevard, with a primary focus on assessing both present and future climate risks. In February 2024, an extensive survey was circulated to solicit initial feedback from community members. This initiative underscores the MPO’s commitment to engaging the community to develop resilient community driven design alternatives The detailed outcomes of this survey are available for reference in Appendix B.

Project Presentations 


Levi Stewart-Figueroa - Senior Transportation Planner
stewartl@browardmpo.org (954) 876-0079