State Road 7 Study Moving Forward

e-Townhall meeting

The SR7 Multimodal Improvements Corridor Study iworked to identify both short and long term improvements to promote mobility and safety for all modes of travel along the SR7 corridor. In November 2015, the Broward MPO hosted an e-Townhall meeting, in which over 500 people participated.

The study team has also met with over a dozen neighborhood and business groups to gather input on issues and opportunities along the study corridor. Working with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Broward County Transit, and local municipalities along the corridor, the team has identified projects to improve sidewalk and bike lane connections to transit, shops, and jobs along SR7, as well as improvements to intersections that enhance pedestrian safety. The team is also looked at opportunities to make longer term improvements to busy intersections with high transit ridership. The team presented its findings to Board members and local governments along the corridor in May and June of 2016, with a study completion date of June 2016. Additional information about the study can be found at: